Massage Acupuncture Moxibustion Saitama Kitaku Osteopathic Clinic
電話:048-668-5255埼玉県さいたま市北区本郷町504-1 さいたま北区整骨院の詳しい交通のご案内
マッサージはりきゅうさいたま北区整骨院。受付時間:月~金:午前9:00~12:30午後:15:00~19:30:土9:00~14:30日祝休診。受け順となりますが施術内容により前後する場合があります。 当院は労災指定院です。労災のことなら当院にご相談ください。 マッサージはりきゅうさいたま北区整骨院メインページへ 全国で優良な100院に選ばれました! 施術への思い・手技へのこだわり 美容鍼・美顔鍼 お早めにご相談下さい。交通事故治療・自賠責取り扱い 腰痛改善・腰痛予防のために スポーツ障害・コンディショニングに!アスリート・スポーツ整骨院。国際大会や地域の大会などで、スポーツトレーナー活動を行っております。 オスグッド病 施術内容と料金のご案内 さいたま市北区の柔道整復師の求人 さいたま市北区の鍼灸師の求人 English_information VietnameseAOCはりセンター整骨院グループのご紹介
English Information

Massage Acupuncture Moxibustion
Saitama Kita-ku Osteopathic Clinic

Treatment days / hours

Mon. - Fri. 9:00 - 12:30 15:00 - 19:30
Sat. 9:00 - 14:30
Sun. and Public holidays Nonconsultation
*Reservation is not required.
List of symptoms
Please feel free to contact us
anytime for any inquiries.

The staff of our office are holding the National License authorized by Japanese Government to practice the acupuncturist.
Combining our accumulated experience in the past years with new researches and developments, we aim to provide the best treatment to patients.
Our treatments are covered by health care.

Headache, twisting neck, frozen shoulder, baseball shoulder, stiff shoulder, strained back, back pain, sore knees, shiplash injury, arthralgia, neuralgia sciatica, neuralgic, numbness of the hands and feet, cold sensitivity, tenasynovitis, leg cramp, tired feeling, eye strain, sprain, bruise, dislocation, pulled muscle, sprained finger, sports injury, sports massage
Time of treatment

Basically, it will take about 50 min. to complete the treatment.


Phone: 0428-668-5255
Parking area: 8
Adress: 504-1 Hongo-cho Kita-ku
Saitama-shi Saitama-ken 331-0802 JAPAN
Our Treatment Plan

Osteopath / Chiropractor
Individual payment of medical expense is concluded by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

First Session
10 % of the medical expenses 220en - 480en
20 % of the medical expenses 400en - 800en
30 % of the medical expenses 660en - 1,300en

Follow-up Session
10 % of the medical expenses 90en - 300en
20 % of the medical expenses 180en - 360en
30 % of the medical expenses 270en - 1,000en

Every 10min costs 1,000en



List of medical problems that can be treated using acupuncture which The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes and accepts the effectiveness.

Categorization Indication Example
Muscular-Skeletal Problems arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cervico-omo-brachial syndrome, frozen shoulder, Inflammation of a tendon, backache, aftereffect of injury (fracture, bruise, whiplash, ankle sprain)
Neurological Problems all sorts of neuralgia, neurolysis, late sequela of the stroke, autonomic ataxia, headache, dizziness, insomnia, neurosis, hysterics
Digestive Problems chronic gastritis, acute gastritis, indigestion, gastroptosis, hyperacidity, diarrhea, constipation, Gallbladder Disease, Gallbladder Disease, Cholecystitis, gastroduodenal ulcer, hemorrhoid
Respiratory Problems bronchitis, bronchus asthma, Influenza, cough, throat pain
Circulatory System Problems heart neurosis, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, hypotension, palpitatio cordis, dyspnea
Internal Secretion System Problems basedow’s disease, diabetes, gout, beriberi, anemia, Urological Disease, inflammation of the bladder, urethritis, sexual function disorder, retention of the urine, prostatomegaly, impotence
Obsterics and Gynecology System Problems sterility, menopausal disease, mastitis, vaginal discharge, period pains, menstruation difficalty, poor blood circulation, female medical disorders
Pediatirics System Problems cry in night, irritation, pavor nocturnus, dyspepsia, deviated food habit, anorexia, insomnia, childhood asthma, allergic dermatitis, parotitis, enuresis nocturna, improvement of the weak constitution
Ophthalmology System Problems stye, nearsightedness, conjunctivitis, eye strain, blurred vision, false
Otolaryngology System Problems empyema, ringing, dysacousis, Meniere disease, nosebleed, nasal inflammation, empyema, pharyngeal inflammation, tonsil inflammation